Monday, June 6, 2011

First Communion

Our friends' son Zach was having his First Communion, so we set up a backdrop in my living room and did a mini photo session with him. What a handsome little man!!

Thanks Melody, Ron and Zachary!

Beautiful Love!

Todd and Holly were getting photos done as a Mother's Day Gift to their Moms. We went down to the train tracks by Gage Park and had a blast! The sun had a nice warm glow to it, which made for some really nice outdoor photos. The two of them were so photogenic! Pics turned out so great!!

Thanks Todd and Holly for a such beautiful photos! I had so much fun!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Easter Bunny Love

Stacey and Steph brought over their beautiful babes for a fun Easter session with a live bunny - a friend of theirs. The kids were so sweet and they were so fun to shoot. We were able to capture some beautiful shots of everyone.
Thanks Stacey, Steph and Babes! I had a great time!! Oh, and thanks to Bunny too!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rachel and Angelina - at the Hermitage in Ancaster

This past Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day for a photo shoot. Although the sun was a little bright and was difficult at times when I was taking pictures, it gave a great warmth in the air. Rachel and Angelina (and I can't forget Buddy the Beagle) made these photos so easy to take! What a fantastic day!

Many thanks to Rachel, Angelina and Buddy for spending a great afternoon with me. I had an awesome time capturing some fun memories.

Baby Olivia

Special thanks to Jillian and Baby Olivia for letting me come over and shoot some photos of this beautiful baby girl. She was a tired and hungry girl but that didn't stop her! She was absolutely amazing and a pleasure to photograph.

Thanks Jillian and Olivia!! Can't wait to photograph the rest of the family.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Demone-Sheculski Family Session

Thanks to the snow we turned an outdoor photo shoot into an indoor photo shoot. But that didn't stop us! A huge thank you to Jeff, Julia and Peyton for such an amazing photo shoot today! I enjoyed taking some fantastic photos of you all, and I hope you had a blast also!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Child Portraits

Below are some photos of my kids and a friend of mine's daughter. A few were shot with my new portrait lens, which I absolutely LOVE!

I love taking photos of children, partly because of the challenge and partly because they are so fun!


Friday, March 11, 2011

2011 Rates!

Below is my rate card for 2011. If you require any more information, or would like engagement and wedding session information, please feel free to email me. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 2011 - November 2010 Wedding (Assistant)

Last November, Sam and I took the boys to Ottawa to visit some friends. On our mini vacation, my friend Melissa (who is an AMAZING photog in the Ottawa area - was shooting a wedding so I assisted her.
It was my first wedding in 3 years, and I had such a blast! The couple was amazing, the wedding party was great. The photos were so easy to take. Mel and I worked so great together, I found myself wishing we lived close so we could just go into business together!
These are some photos that I took using Mel's canon 50D.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Beautiful Lighting Experiment

Today, my cousin Theresa came over and was very patient while I got experimental with my camera and the natural light from my front window. I LOVE taking photos, but my expertise was always with a film camera, so shooting digital has been a bit intimidating at times.
I really love this 60D because I'm finding it really easy to use, and the quality of photos is just amazing!

Check out the shots I took of this beautiful lady ~ she was amazing to shoot, the camera LOVES her!
Thanks Teej! I had so much fun!! xo

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fun in the Snow - January 2011

My husband and I took the kids up north for the weekend to visit family, and we all went tubing. The weather was just perfect for the day and the kids had a blast! Just before we packed up to leave, Sam and the kids started playing on a little hill. It gave me a good chance to work in my new canon 60D, which produced such fantastic photos!
All the boys had a great time playing in front of my camera, and I had just as much fun capturing it!


About Me

I'm a mother of 3 boys, living on the East Mountain in Hamilton. I am a photographer at heart and my amazing husband surprised me with a new camera for Christmas! My boys inspire me daily and I wanted to extend that inspiration to any family out there that would love to showcase their magical moments. I have been very passionate about photography since an early age, and want to take my passion to the next level!